Green Tech

    Green Tech

    Green Tech

    The green technology or green tech (also known as eco-friendly technology) initiative is here and a number of homeowners are now embracing eco-friendly technology to reduce their carbon footprint and work at saving the planet in the process. There are many different examples of green tech that are helping homes become more efficient as well as allowing us to recycle old materials to prevent waste.

    In this article, we are going to go through some of the best green technology that adds value to the conservation of the environment. We want to make sure that you can explore green tech alternatives that could help us all collectively reduce our waste and energy consumption to improve environmental conditions worldwide. Here are some of the best new pieces of green technology and how they can help us save the planet:

    Paperless billing or Online contracts

    Paper waste is a serious concern for the environment. With the costs to produce a paper as well as the elimination of trees required to produce new paper products, more companies are choosing to go digital. For every consumer that is able to opt into newsletters, sign contracts, or even receive monthly billing online, we are working to reduce deforestation. New paperless billing and document storage is a green technology that is helping us make a large environmental impact.

    Renewable energy for homes

    Smart energy for homes through wind and solar initiatives are helping us reduce our impact on the environment in regards to energy consumption. There are homes and even businesses that are now generating power on their own and even selling electricity back to the grid.

    The widespread availability of products like the Tesla solar panel roof tiles are leading to properties of the future that can integrate with a building just like regular roof shingles but with the ability to generate power. A greater use of wind power is also producing cheaper and more environmentally friendly energy. Renewable energy can go towards powering homes and even the electric vehicles of the future.

    Electric cars

    Electric cars are finally something that many people are opting for. With green technology and electric cars like Tesla, it is now extremely practical to own one of these vehicles. Almost every major car manufacturer is set to debut plug-in hybrids or full EVs this year and this can represent the dawning of a new age with our dependence on fossil fuels. As battery technology continues to evolve it could be just a short amount of time before the next generation of electric vehicles is able to go further than gas or even diesel vehicles on a full charge.

    Smart home technology

    Green technology in our homes is helping us save money and have more environmental properties than ever before. Smart thermostats are lowering HVAC technology costs and energy consumption, energy-saving appliances can also be linked together in a grid across Smart home systems to further reduce energy costs.

    The green technology that we are using in our homes is increasing convenience in our lives while also reducing the harm to the environment. With regards to lighting technology especially, the newest LED lighting tech is leading the market and the lighting technology today is now up to 60% more efficient than the lighting systems of the past. The same type of improvements can often be seen in smart home appliances..

    With these big changes in green tech and green living, we are now able to reduce our overall carbon footprint as individuals. As more people continue to adopt the eco-friendly technology, we may start to see less harm to the environment and less dependence on our wasteful ways of the past.


    Carrington, Damian. “Electric Cars ‘Will Be Cheaper than Conventional Vehicles by 2022’.”The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 25 Feb. 2016,

    Odell, Anne Moore. “E-Billing: the Most Overlooked Green Practice?” GreenBiz, GreenBiz Group Inc., 17 Oct. 2008,

    “What Is Smart Home or Building? – Definition from” IoT Agenda,

    Tomorrow, Blue & Green. “Six Ways Tech Is Helping the Environment.” Blue and Green Tomorrow, 5 Apr. 2018,


    Go Green

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    Dave June 18, 2018 at 5:13 pm

    I am all for using alternative technologies and if they are eco-friendly even better. The sad thing is that these technologies are expensive. There should be a way to make them more accessible and cheaper.


      TGC-LTGW June 19, 2018 at 6:59 pm

      Hi Dave,

      I agree with you and I hope for that day to come. In the meantime, we can make sure that everyone knows about them and start to request for them. If the demand for them is high I am sure there will be some innovators and entrepreneurs that will come with a solution or probably are already working on them.


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