A Green Wave of Straws and Utensils
We all know about the plastic problem that we are making bigger on a daily basis. We all are contributing to the problem by consuming one-single-use plastic. But what can we do? Let’s go back in time. Many environmental organizations like Greenpeace reported this problem but why didn’t it resonate with people then?
The main issue when you are discussing the ban on plastic is having an eco-friendly alternative to replacing plastic. Today we do have eco-friendly alternatives, and we can easily replace one-single-use plastics such as straws, and utensils for example. So what are those alternatives?
Instead of using plastic straws, you can buy for example paper biodegradable straws, metal straws, bamboo straws, or glass straws. Of these alternatives, the cheapest one is the one-color paper straws you can find a box of 200 to 400 straws for less than $15 online. My personal favorite is the metal straws for personal use because of their durability. Instead of asking for plastic utensils when your order food simply don’t do it. What’s the alternative then?
Well, we have the traditional metal utensils that now come in nice sets with their carrying pouch so you can take them with you everywhere. There are also bamboo-made utensils. These do also come in sets. The sets of both metal- and bamboo come with straws as well so you have a complete set to use during your meals.
So, now we know we do have options. What can we do to promote these products, and get them to us?
An example: buy a package of paper straws and always carry them with you. Distribute them to your friends in theaters, restaurants, and coffee shops after rejecting plastic.

Do you have more ideas on how we can grab the attention of businesses especially, restaurant, and coffee shops investing in one-single-use plastic?
Yes, yes I know what you’re thinking. The first thing that usually comes to mind is recycling. But if we wish to eliminate the problem on the long run we need to stop the buildup of plastic waste once, and for all, and that can be done by easily replacing plastic with eco-friendly alternatives created by inventive entrepreneurs. Why has it been so difficult so far?
Plastic is a product from the fossil fuel industry, an industry that seems to be protected by the wealthy. The governments are also not helping much. To be fair some do but today there are countries where the use of solar panels is taxed. Does that make sense? The Fossil fuel industry is enemy number one of the environment. The pipelines pollute the earth and contaminate rivers; the plastic goes into the ocean or ends up in our flora and fauna. The factories and vehicles produce carbon Co2 that pollutes the air we breathe. Must I go on? I think you get the picture.
We do have the capability to create alternative solutions. The main problem is finding enough funding for those solutions. And when we do, keep our principles and not be influenced to sell the project to a party that
Let’s start changing our consumer habits, and reduce our plastic consumption.

Emily June 9, 2019 at 8:08 am
I’m totally on board with getting rid of plastic straws and utensils! You’ve really highlighted some great alternatives here.
TGC-LTGW June 10, 2019 at 1:51 am
Hi Emily,
Thanks for joining the cause. Every small effort has value and will contribute to reaching the ultimate goal: reduce waste (incl. plastic litter) to the lowest levels. Please help us spread the message.
Angela August 18, 2019 at 4:43 am
I have always kept a set of eco-friendly reusable utensils with me for use when I am grabbing food to go or eating at work. I started using metal straws a few years ago along with my reusable cup and love them. I received one that collapses down into a tiny container to keep in my purse as a gift and it is awesome! I think having one handy all the time when on the go is the key to not having to use plastic when out! The only thing about metal straws is that they can be dangerous for little ones (and the paper ones just get soggy on them too fast), I am planning on buying a package of silicon ones for them so they don’t hurt themselves with them!! They are also great for smoothies as they don’t get too cold! Great work spreading this information!!
TGC-LTGW September 1, 2019 at 3:32 pm
Thanks for sharing your views Angela!
I will look into your recommendations.
Dave August 26, 2019 at 3:54 pm
I’m on board!
In my neighborhood, some restaurants have already switched to paper straws.
My sister recently bought silicone straws for her kids. I am slowly seeing a change.
TGC-LTGW September 1, 2019 at 8:16 pm
Hi Dave,
Thanks for sharing your views. Let’ss work together for a Clean World!