Exploring Green Packaging Vol.1
We have come to the point where we don’t need more statistics to convince us of our plastic problem. The evidence is clearly visible in rivers, the ocean, sea life, seafood, etc. There is plastic everywhere causing damage and yet the consumption is not declining. Why?
The main problem for consumers is the need for plastic replacement. Today there are many companies that offer alternatives to plastic, but they don’t have a worldwide presence yet maybe because of limited resources. Many companies are only able to deliver a certain quantity of products, others have limited reach to certain countries.
Today with the help of the internet it has become very easy. We can recommend or ask for eco-friendly products to our favorite supermarkets, restaurants, event planning organizations, etc. Because of the severity of the situation (almost 91% of plastic), it requires from us as consumers to act. I’m sure all our favorite restaurants, supermarkets, and hotels have a customer satisfaction program. Most just ask you to leave some feedback/reviews.
Make Noice!
Here is where you have the power to make a change. If many people leave the same feedback and adopt the same behavior of not buying certain products that are harmful to the environment like the palm oil used by Nutella and Nestle companies will take notice and do something to address it. It also helps when people write their experiences and give recommendations on how to make eco-friendly choices.
Look for Alternatives!
It’s not always possible or even practical to go shopping without a bag or a container of some sort. The important thing is to know that it is reusable or recyclable and will not harm the environment in any way. One recommendation we came across is Green Man Packaging. Green Man Packaging offers drink and food containers that are 100% certified compostable plant-based packaging. Green Man Packaging are independent compostable packaging specialist.
Being fully independent allows Green Man to work with freely the world’s leading specialist compostable packaging manufacturers and UK importers. This allows them to offer over 400+ certified compostable products under one roof so they can recommend the most appropriate products without bias. With almost 10 years of experience in supplying the UK food service industry, they fully understand the needs of the growing artisan café chain, the independent street-food vendor, the outdoor event caterer, and the food festival manager more than most when it comes to compostable catering disposables.

Their plant-based products are made from annually renewable plant crops like corn, sugarcane, and potatoes. The waste materials from these crops can all be made into packaging and are a great alternative to conventional petroleum-based plastics.
The products are independently certified 100% compostable by world-recognized authorities including OK compost by Vincotte and The Biodegradable Product Institute (BPI). This allows our packaging to be disposed of with general food waste after use and processed back into natural compost in under 12 weeks at an approved composting facility.
Green Man Packaging advises the public to be aware of cheap fakes on the market promoted as “Eco-Friendly” or “Biodegradable”. Quite often a product may be branded as looking “eco-friendly”, “biodegradable”, “green” or “sustainable” but it will, in fact, contain a dirty PE plastic barrier coating on the inside of the packaging. This means that it can’t be composted or recycled after use regardless of the “Eco-Marketing Jargon” written to mislead the unsuspecting consumer.

Green Man has been working and developing products with some of the world’s leading sustainable packaging manufacturers for almost a decade. All their manufacturing partners are industry leaders in their respective specialist fields. Their fully compostable range is made from 100% plant-based materials including cornstarch (PLA/CPLA/RCPLA), sugarcane bagasse, paperboard, and birchwood from sustainably managed forests and recycled paper pulp.
The product lines have been individually selected in terms of quality, aesthetics, value for money, and eco-credentials by a team of independent industry experts. Before a product is allowed to be listed, is put through a series of internal tests and assessments which include quality, Eco-Credentials, Practicality, Functionality, and Aesthetics.
This strict elimination process allows Green Man to select only the finest quality products from the “also-rans” and only the best make it into their exclusive “eco-chic” range.
They strive for the best quality and customer satisfaction. They even offer free samples for a first tryout. Their offices are open from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Want to give it a try?
Visit their website www.greenmanpackaging.com or email directly at info@greenmanpackaging.com.
In Conclusion…
This is the first authentic eco-friendly packaging brand we’ve encountered so far but I’m sure there are more. Feel free to let us know and share with others. The more we share with others, the more aware we become as a society, and therefore the faster we can make change happen. Let’s reach together a plastic-free world.

Han August 24, 2019 at 4:42 pm
Hi there, great post in promoting the world to go green! I am a teacher in a special needs school and I am happy to announce that my school had also taken the 1st step to go green and go from disposable utensils to environmental friendly wheat grass utensils. Will definitely recommend green man for my school to explore during our end of year meeting! Let’s heal the world =)
TGC-LTGW September 1, 2019 at 2:19 pm
Hi Han,
That’s great news!
Hope others will follow your example.
Dave August 27, 2019 at 1:48 pm
Thank you for sharing this!
Ecologic is another brand that I have been hearing about but I’m not so sure about them since they use recycled (PCR) plastics and bioplastics. If the goal is to go away from plastics, I’m not sure the recycled plastic will help. Especially when it’s combined with material that is supposed to be compostable.
TGC-LTGW September 1, 2019 at 2:16 pm
Hi Dave,
Thanks for sharing your views.
I will look into it and let you know.