How to Reduce Waste with Recycling?
If you are interested in reducing your carbon footprint, it is a good idea to consider making far less waste. Right? Part of eco-friendly living means recycling. With the help of recycling, you can make sure that you can reduce waste over time and improve your ability to reduce your impact on this world. It’s difficult to live a zero-waste lifestyle, but with recycling, you can make sure that you can create less trash that will find its way into landfills.
Choosing the Right Packaging
If you can find packaging for some of your favorite products that are recyclable, this can often represent one of the best ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint over time. Choosing a recyclable product container or wrap can often be a better choice for reducing your waist with recycling.
Have you recently heard of the “Plastic Attack” campaign that is being organized in certain grocery stores by environmental groups? They are making people aware of the amount of plastic they get at the grocery store. After they are done buying everything, they remove the plastic from the products they bought and store them in their own containers. Now some products need special packaging, like a wrap, and your container is not the most appropriate to use. There is an alternative. How about changing the plastic wrap to beeswax wrap? Sounds crazy but it’s true! You can even make them yourself at home.
Opting for Rechargeable Batteries
If you have any appliances that take batteries, you should always opt for a rechargeable battery over a disposable one. Rechargeable batteries will last for a much longer time and help you to reduce waste in landfills.
Consider Composting
Composting some of your organic waste can help to make sure you can recycle some of your organic waste. With the help of a composter inside your home, you can make sure that your fruits and vegetables or your garden can continue to thrive.
Choose Reusable Containers
Rather than always getting bags at the grocery store, consider buying your own reusable bags instead. Or use reusable mugs or glass cups instead of plastic cups. You can also take a look at some of the packaging that you regularly use and make sure that it could be reused for a different purpose. Some items that may not be recyclable could be reused throughout your home creatively.
These are just a few of the ways that you can reduce your waist with recycling. Be sure to check into recycling programs for your local area and to properly sort recycled items if required!
Thanks for taking some of your valuable time to read this post. Feel free to share your experiences and thoughts on recycling in the comment section below.
Jersey, States of. “Tips for Recycling, Reducing Waste and Reusing.” Water Statistics,
Kearns, Landess. “9 Simple Ways To Reduce Waste In Your Home.” The Huffington Post,, 22 July 2016,
Michael June 27, 2018 at 4:49 pm
Hi there,
What a great post.
I love to recycle whatever I can and I’m also very conscious when buying things in the supermarket.
I like to buy things in packaging that can be recycled.
Being a gardener, I am very much into composting and using a composter at home for any food waste instead of putting it in the bin.
I love the Oceans and the plastic waste that is destroying so much sea life breaks my heart to see.
Well done on a fantastic site.
I will be back to read more for sure.
Best wishes,
TGC-LTGW June 28, 2018 at 11:46 pm
Hi Micheal,
First of all, thank you for your efforts and thanks for sharing your experience. I believe we all can learn from each other and become inspired. There are some people who think recycling is complicated but it really isn’t that difficult to understand. I’m very happy to know that you are a supporter of the green cause
Dave August 9, 2018 at 4:18 pm
I have participated in the plastic attacks. It is clearly something new and needs some thought. In one instance it went really well because they made enough propaganda to let the clients know that there is going to be a plastic attack so the customers came prepared. In the instance when they didn’t have enough containers and reusable bags they were able to buy eco-friendly wrapping, bags, and containers at the grocery store itself which was a great initiative that helped entrepreneurs sell their eco-friendly products.
On the other hand, there was an instance where there was a surprise plastic attack meaning the clients were not prepared, didn’t have alternative packaging with them nor was there anything available at the grocery store. Some customers just didn’t participate and went home with the plastic. It is a great idea but organizers must think of all possible scenarios and be open to help entrepreneurs that sell and promote eco-friendly products.
TGC-LTGW August 10, 2018 at 9:52 pm
Hi Dave,
Thanks for sharing your views. I guess you are right when you say we need to think of strategies when we plan events such as the plastic attacks.
Thank you so much for your contribution!