Leaf Leather: One Green Version of Leather

    Leaf Leather: One Green Version of Leather

    Leaf Leather: One Green Version of Leather

    TGC-LTGW Eco-Friendly, Going Green, Green Living, Home & Business

    The use of animal skin for fashion has been critiqued for decades. Yet the demand for leather remains high. During the years we have seen an increase of available faux leather, an alternative to animal leather. While faux leather solves the problem of not having to kill animals to get their skin, it remains a menace to the environment.

    In response to this several entrepreneurs came and are still coming up with eco-friendly alternatives to animal or faux leather. One of them is known as “Leaf Leather” which is made from fallen leaves. This plant-based alternative uses different types of leaves such as tree leaves, pineapple leaves, mushrooms, and soybean waste among others.

    About Tree Tribe

    This “Leaf Leather” initiative is supported by Tree Tribe which is a community-driven outdoor lifestyle brand that plants 10 trees on every sale. They are focused on using eco-friendly materials in all of their products and are on a mission to plant millions of trees and make a major positive impact on the world.

    Most of their tree-planting efforts are focused on agroforestry and forest gardens. Agroforestry is the integration of agriculture and forestry to produce food and diverse ecosystems. These mini forests provide food and resources, contribute to a healthier atmosphere, and provide structure for biodiversity.

    As we mentioned before many types of fallen leaves can be used but for this time we will focus on leather made from Teak Tree Leaves, the specialty of Tree Tribe.

    Why Teak Leaves?

    Teak leaves are huge leaves that can be harvested sustainably, and when crafted into leaf leather, their natural designs live on permanently in the product.

    What’s so great about Leaf Leather?

    Sustainably harvested teak leaves are collected from fallen leaves. No trees are harmed in the process.

    The entire process of crafting Teak leaf leather is a traditional handmade art from Thailand. Therefore every product is unique, so you get a unique piece of art that shows the beautiful variances of nature.

    The products are created by a small family business of Thai artisans and skilled seamstresses that share eco-friendly values and have a passion for quality crafting so you will receive a handmade product made with love for nature.

    Using plant-based products carries the natural energy of the Earth with you, and by using plants instead of animals, you are also exercising greater compassion. It’s definitely more environmentally friendly than animal leather and faux leather.

    The leather is strong, durable, and water-resistant so your leaf leather gear will last for many years and is available in several vibrant colors and cool designs.

    Green Leaf Leather

    The Leaf Leather Collection is available on the online Tree Tribe store where you will be able to pay in USD, CAD, AUD, GBP, and EUR using several secure payment methods such as PayPal, Amazon Pay, and many others. What’s even greater is that 10 trees are planned on every sale as an incentive to stimulate the use of eco-friendly materials and at the same time making an impact on the conservation of the environment.

    The Meaning of Leaf Leather

    For Tree Tribe leaf leather is more than a product, it’s a symbol of bringing together communities around the world that share a passion for a healthier planet. The Tree Tribe is known to create products based on ideas and feedback from their customers and their Tribe, and continue to have a virtual open-door policy to collaborate and create consciously eco-friendly products.

    Leaf Leather is one of the existing alternatives to animal and faux leather that I recently learned about but it has been around for a while. It is a strong competition for animal and faux leather which are owned by wealthy corporations so I can understand why their road to promotion may have been difficult. Today we are all connected and are able to discover new product and support them directly.

    Final Thoughts

    Leaf Leather is one green version of leather, in other words, one of the alternatives. Initiatives such as these are not well known so whether you decide to buy these products let others about it.

    What I like about this initiative is that it follows a strong eco-friendly principle which results can be tracked by knowing how many trees they plant and has a strong spirit of community and collaboration.

    ==> Check out the Leaf Leather Accessories <==

    I am sure there are more companies created by entrepreneurs that are committed to green living that produce eco-friendly leather. If you know about other alternatives feel free to share. We all need to learn about new alternatives and there is an opportunity to learn together.

    Thank you for taking some time to read this article. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments in the section below.

    Sources: all images and videos used in this article belong to Tree Tribe.


    Dave August 1, 2018 at 3:39 pm

    I admire this initiative. I didn’t even know this is possible. It shows you we do have the abilities to create better options that are beneficial to the environment.
    I already have some items I want to buy for my wife for her birthday. Thanks a lot for sharing this!


      TGC-LTGW August 4, 2018 at 12:51 am

      Hi Dave,

      You are not the only one. I was surprised also the first time I hear about it.
      I am happy that you were able to find a gift for your wife’s birthday 🙂


    Matts Mom October 26, 2018 at 3:43 pm

    This is the first I have heard of eco-friendly leather. But, what a great idea! Do you know if this leather is just as durable and strong as the “original” version of leather? A leather belt comes to mind, and a good one can last years. I would love to purchase a “green” leather belt, it it were to last as well. Thanks!


      TGC-LTGW December 4, 2018 at 8:13 pm

      Hi Matts Mom,

      Yes, the products are of very good quality. However, this brand doesn’t have belts yet but has many other interesting products. Feel free to visit their store https://treetribe.com/collections/leaf-leather
      You have the option to change to an alternative eco-friendly option. It’s up to you to decide.


    Cecelia Tencza December 27, 2019 at 12:41 am

    Hello I found your page after an exhaustive search for eco friendly material. I am a home sewer, trying to change my fabric habits to best help the environment. Do you sell your leaf leather as meters or yards of fabric? Many thanks!


      TGC-LTGW January 4, 2020 at 3:05 pm

      Hi Cecelia,

      Thanks for visiting our page!
      Kindly note that we are not the owners of leaf leather. We included information about the company Tree Tribe which creates these products in the article. TREE TRIBE IS A COMMUNITY DRIVEN OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE BRAND THAT PLANTS A TREE ON EVERY SALE. Feel free to contact them at https://treetribe.com/pages/contact


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